Diane KiddChildren's Book Illustration
Cover of Pluto's Secret

Pluto's Secret: An Icy World's Tale of Discovery
by Margaret A. Weitekamp
and David DeVorkin
Abrams Books for Young Readers

Weird Stories from the
Lonesome Café

by Judy Cox
Harcourt Children's Books

Jana's Eyes

Jana's Eyes
by Leila C. Edwards
Harcourt School Publishers

Pluto’s Secret — An Icy World’s Tale of Discovery

Cover for Pluto's Secret Planet X Scientists who studied Pluto Pluto and friends
People who love Pluto Pluto is not a planet! Pluto's strange orbit Scientists who studied Pluto

Weird Stories from the Lonesome Cafe

Bigfoot and Santa with small boy Bigfoot on the grill Boy grilling a burger The Lonesome Café

Jana’s Eyes

Jana has her great-grandmother's eyes Jana at the mirror Jana picks frames Jana and her friends

The Pet

Adorable monster with baby chick Boy with pet monster Monster in the water Boy puts pet monster to sleep

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